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MyGoldCloud & GDPR

At Location Extreme, we've always taken data protection seriously. We've worked really hard to update our products, processes and documentation to meet the requirements of the GDPR, the new European data protection law which came into force on 25 May 2018.


We’ve invested heavily to ensure that your MyGoldCloud cloud service meets the requirements set out in the GDPR,


  • All MyGoldCloud datacentres are hosted in the EEA and are hosted in a secure Microsoft Azure environment. Azure holds more certifications than any other cloud provider and ensures that your MyGoldCloud GoldMine system meets specific standards such as GDPR, ISO 27001, HIPAA, UK G-Cloud, Cyber essentials Plus & CSA STAR and meets the world’s first code of practice for cloud privacy, ISO/IEC 27018


  • All data stored in MyGoldCloud GoldMine systems and File Stores is encrypted at rest through 256 AES encryption


  • New security features allow us to constantly monitor your data, limit your exposure to threats, and detect and respond swiftly to attacks.


  • New features within MyGoldMail allow you to manage communications to your customers to ensure that consent is achieved and recorded accurately


  • New features within our MyGoldCloud GoldMine interface allow you to hold detailed communications preferences against contacts and, uniquely, record communications consents against additional contacts as well as against primary contacts

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